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Delegates from all over the world visit this website to find out more about the biennial CIGRE Paris Session.

Advertising here means reaching a global audience:

  • In a Session year the site is visited by up to 130,000 experts and industry leaders from across the globe. The audience includes the world’s leading power system distribution, generation and transmission utilities, as well as all the main OEM product organisations.

  • This audience includes all profiles from across the industry that have a technical focus including engineers, asset managers, consultants, system planners, CEO’s and more.

Advertising here also means you are next to the key technical content for the global electric power system and its role in the energy transition. This includes 1000+ papers related to the preferential subjects of the Session which represent the salient issues the industry faces.

Advertising options are offered as part of a package of solutions, find out more here:

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