Submit a Paper for the leading global event for Power System Expertise and experience an exclusive opportunity as author to take the floor and address a large audience!

The Paris Session: Much more than a traditional conference!

As the leading global event for power system expertise, CIGRE Session offers Delegates a unique and comprehensive experience with two must-attend events: Group Discussion Meetings and Poster Sessions.

Group Discussion Meetings

Spanning the end-to-end power system, the 16 Study Committees of CIGRE will each host Group Discussion Meetings and Poster Sessions. After reviewing and examination of the Session Papers, our Special Reporters compile questions, that are not specifically aimed at the papers’ authors, but are synthesised from common issues and trends identified in across the papers. Session attendees are encouraged to share their views and experiences in response to these specific questions. This provides the opportunity for a broader response and participation in the Group Discussion Meetings.

A 2 or 3 slides for a 5 - 10 minutes presentation is a usual format. The meeting convener asks each contributor to take the floor and present the contribution to the audience, with a speaking time schedule set up in advance.

Since their creation, Poster Sessions are proved very popular and appreciated by both Authors and Session Delegates.

Poster Sessions are not a second choice, but a unique opportunity for authors to present their Papers in a convivial working atmosphere during fruitful exchanges with the Session Delegates. A large area is entirely dedicated to this event. Authors will have their own booth with a monitoring screen.

The meeting duration is usually half a day but can be adjusted according to the number of presentations.

Authors and intended contributors should prepare their slides in advance and make them available to Study Committees for a prior check and more optimal organization of the meetings. Templates and instructions will be posted on CIGRE Session website and circulated to all a few months ahead the Session. National Committees will not be involved in the process.

Contributors will upload their prepared contributions directly through their personal account on the registrations portal. Authors will upload their presentation for Poster Session on a dedicated website.



Prepared contributions at Group Discussion Meetings and Papers presentation at Poster Sessions can be made only by registered delegates, who will attend the meetings in person – no remote participation.
Authors or co-authors who cannot attend the Session may ask then someone to present the Paper - a colleague for instance - so that each Paper could be presented at the Poster Session meeting.

Registration is open!

Join us in Paris to be part of the leading global event for power system expertise.

Early Bird rate until May 15th!